Go to the latest update
June 30th 2020
added red to most of the text
added site updates
added background
added doom wad page
added game dev page
added the about me page
July 1st to July 2nd, 2020
added screenshots to the game dev page (7/1/20)
added new text to the homepage and a image of Homura (7/2/20)
changed the look of the updates page (7/2/20)
added the link to the guest book (7/2/20)
August 3rd? or 2nd to August 4th 2020
removed doom wads download link from main page (8/2/2020) or (8/3/2020)
added the download page link on the main page (8/2/2020) or (8/3)
added doom wads download link to the download page (8/2) or (8/3)
added non working link for the Lotus mojave demo (8/2) or (8/3)
added working link for the Lotus Mojave demo (8/4/2020)
August 5th 2020
changed the look of the background image
August 6th 2020
added the My OCs page
added a link to bigger images of Ranga and Tepache on the My OCs page
updates with unknown dates
Links for the my ocs page and the my weapons page added
August 7th 2020
changed text on the LM game page
changed the devlog link to a different html page
added the LM game page link to the downloads page
August 12th 2020
added a link to my Sudomemo on the main page
August 14th 2020
removed the my weapons link on the front page and replaced it with the link to the my thoughts page
updated the my thoughts page so it would fit with the other pages
August 26 2020
added a watching/playing rn text on the index page
August 30th 2020
added the odd, interesting and/or old websites page
September 14th 2020
changed the background on thoughtslol.html aslong with the text colour
added a music player to the home page
October 9th 2020
added tags that tell if a site is interesting, odd and/or old for the websites I find page
October 17th 2020
added the devlog page for THUG
October 25th 2020
removed the homura gif and replaced it with a lucky star stamp, comment page link, and the playing/watching text
November 3rd 2020
made the devlog page go to a link page that have links to the devlogs themsleves
Janurary 15th 2021
removed the TUHG screenshot page from the downloads page
removed some website links that lead to nowhere on the websites page
Feburary 22 2021
added a link to the orginal fiction page
moved the buttons to the buttom of the page, and added a half-life 1 banner to the top
moved the lucky star stamp towards the bottom of the header text
October 22 2021
Removed the wiki music thing, planning on replacing it with more aesthicy music in the future
Made the stories page not go to a 404 page anymore
October 25 2021
changed the background and text colour for most of the site
October 27 2021
uploaded RAD E1P1 to the site
replaced the wattpad link with the link to RAD's page and ep select
changed the 404 page and this page so it can fit with the rest of the site
October 27 2021
changed the font for the entire website
removed the link to the my OCs page until futher notice
added E1P2-3 of RAD to the site
December 22 2021
got a new layout baby!
January 7 2022
blog page added
January 20 2022
updated RAD's layout and add the last of EP1
added audio to some of the new layout pages
January 21 2022
added the 1st page of RAD E2 to the website
March 3-4 2022
Added BBS
Fixed as many links that I could
added a banner for the site at the top of the index page
added both bannerlink ads and neolink ads to index, hopefully they'll add my site to their system soon
March 6-9 2022
added a link to the new about me page on the index page (3/6/22)
removed the old index link on the navbar in index (3/?/22)
changed the index page to celebarete that the site got 10,000 views! (3/7/22)
added links to the steam, wii and yume nikki buttons on right side bar on the index page. (3/9/22)
fixed the links within that are related to RAD (3/9/22)
removed the link to the my thoughts page on the navbar, it still exists, you just have to find out what the html flie is called (3/9/22)
made a page where you can select my blogs (3/9/22)
April 22 2022
changed the banner on the top of the site
June 7 2022
added scroll bars to the coloums on the site
putted all the extra text into the middle coloum
June 1X-21 2022
fixed my SCM player (7-1X-22)
added a new background to my index, going to make a few custom ones for places that need one on the site (7-21-22)
June 23 2022
Added a credits page
June 26 2022
updated newabout.html to have two boxes and to have a drawing of me
July 8 2022
added an archive link to thoughtslol.html on the blog select page
July 10 2022
added comments to each blog
added comments to RAD EP select
July 25 2022
added banner ads to the index page where when you hit refresh it changes images
July 29 2022
banner ads 16-35 added to appear on the site
added a page that talks about what I made this site for
August 4 2022
added a back grapic to some of the places on the site
updated the 404 page so it links back to the new url rather than the old one
made it so that the back button on the RAD EP select goes back to stories.html
made it so that each blog goes back to the blogselect.html instead of home
September 2 2022
added an my art page to the website
September 12 2022
removed the links to my tumblr and wattpad accounts on the navheader of the index page
added buttons to my tumblr, spacehey, wattpad and toyhouse under the middle box on the index page
improved the grammar on the index page
December 19 2022
added the ability to comment on my art
added a link to a guestbook on the index page
December 22 2022
re added a chatbox
February 11 2023
added a page for my OCs
added ref sheets to the protag oc page
April 16 2023
added new tracks to the SCM music player
changed the Madoka and Homura gif to that of one of Reisen from the Overdrive music video
May 10 2023
changed background
removed the purple background blocks on the colums
May 17 2023
gave myself an actual bio on my about page
made ad 42 actucally link to a .gif
May 23 2023
added Morely, Antonius, Gift, Lunar and Kore's ref sheets to Misc OCs
September 18 2023
removed the PC-98 font
replaced PC-98 font with Times New Roman or Tahoma on index
October 21 2023
Updated the music player so it doesn't use discord links and replaced some songs with new ones.
Removed the buttons that take you to my unused SpaceHey and Wattpad pages
Go to the oldest update